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Личная фотография Cj Williams

Cj Williams

31 год, США
Статус: I am from Harlem, New York, United states and I and sign my work under the artist name T.H.C The Harlem Child of WavyWorldRecordsLLC

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Дата рождения

19 августа 1992

Полных лет

31 год

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Был онлайн

26 февраля 2023 в 09:09

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Список из 166 страниц друзей

Анатольевич Максим
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Сизова Александра
Fisher Nancy
Thug Young
Аршикова Алина
Рябова Мария
Галимская Анастасия
Симонов Андрей
Винчи Анастасия
Сенгереев Константин
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Новикова Полина
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Проскурина Ксюша
Desleer Window
Zatknis' Pozjalyista
Гагарина Алёна
Alexandrovna Margarita
Akaeva Darina
Minaj Nicki
Levesque Aurora
Orton Alanna
Никитчук Катюшка
Трешкина Лена
Карканасюк' Ангелина
Балюк Елена
Ryazanceva Natalia
Дубова Алиса
Аксенова Анна
Новикова Снежана
Букреев Владимир
Данилова Мария
Аверина Александра
Mistress Maleficent
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Роор Дмитрий
Aliev Mumin
Кузнецов Алексей
Питецкая Лена
Ветров Дмитрий
Твой Анютик
Березина Светлана
Montesions 'lucrecia
Me Ganiev
Максимова Саша
Darkwood Olivia
Selfish Hopeless
‘ruination ‘imminent
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ناستيا ناستيا
Harrington Steve
Ryazanov Dmitriy
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Такаев Сагат
Kkkk Tttt
Limbu Subba
Newton Kathryn
Гагарин Саня
Рябова Галина
Massacre Ferocious
Котяткина-Сафина Василисааа'
Збарская Катерина
Rae Addison
Гвардеев Тёма
Weasley Molly
Попов Арсений
Ramon Francisco
Hargreeves Allison
Милена Еремеева
Spellman Sabrina
Banny Bags
'yıldız 'eda
Valentia Trisha
Razumovsky Sergey
Ющенко Александр
Мамедова Камила
Сидорова Ирина
Калинина Мария
Smirnova Janet
Callensent Vellendeus
Данилов Данил
Ибрагимов Юсуфбек
Sultan Turhan
Yildiz Eda
Tyrell Margaery
Cloud Hypocrıtıcal
'granger 'hermione
Николаева Соня
Решетник Анна
Prairie Wild
Куликова Нелли
Зайцева Карина
Darkness Ken
Соколова Виктория
Бойнов Денис
Корнеева Алина
Forbes Caroline
Braun Gabi
'lipa ''dua
Градов Александр
Серебрянникова Алина
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Graphite Fate
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Ибрашова Мадина
Абдрахман Нурсулу
Полковников Мстислав
Амирова Айгерим
Coolfire Alpha
Корякова Мария
Cooper Kostya
Денервлова Карина
Choi Beomgyu
Краевская Валерия
Гинтов Никита
Yujin Ahn
Филатова Февзие
Официально Тёма
Макарова Мария
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Гриценко Александра
Фокина Лена
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You Ahapxuctka
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Харлова Вета
Разумовский Сергей
Руднева Ева
Чебурашка Простая
Depp Lily-Rose
'cooper 'elizabeth
‘scott Hardin
Николаева Милена
Петрова Ангелина
Salimova Puding

Мои увлечения и интересы

Немного о себе

I am from Harlem, New York, United states and I and sign my work under the artist name T.H.C The Harlem Child. I find inspiration to create in many places and things for example 2 years in prison... smh, pocono mountains, Area 51 👽, studio sessions, smoking some Gas ⛽️ , dispensaries 🌲, the moon🌔, Antarctica, WavyWorld🌎🌎🌎, lost city of Atlantis, Rome, Harlem🚨, LA, BOHEMIAN GROVE👁, New Jersey, Miami, Chiraq, Houston, BERMUDA TRIANGLE all of those lol has influenced my creative style and process. I create music (art) because “When I was five years old my mother’s x- boyfriend put me on to rapping and showed me how to write my own rhymes and took me to the studio. And I fell in love with it ever since ..and I got a hell of a life and story with thoughts/views and ideas to share ..I have lyrics upon lyrics I wrote while going through my trials and tribulations as a black young man and being labeled and treated as a criminal in American society”. I specialize in Hip-hop music /Trap/Drill/WorldWorldWorld I make my own lane and motivate and inspire people to get they act together and succeed and I focus on Life, Perception , and understanding through music. I also enjoy working with Visuals and entertainment /Gettin money Gettin fly and Smoking Loud. My art style is New, vibrant, empowering, knowledgeable, mind stimulating Dopeness 🌎🌎🌎. Im motivated from the thought of Gettin my family and loved ones out the struggle/hood and some how maybe playing a part in shaping and changing the minds of the world to perceive life different and be more productive and peaceful ..and of course I’m tryna run the bag up and hit a billy God Willing. I have been creating art for 23 years. My favorite artist is = No favorites lol. I respect the legends and get inspired by new ideas and talent. The game has twist and turn a lot over the years and I feel like it’s my time! I connect with the music community Via [id632866594|@thctheharlemchild] on Instagram and YouTube /Facebook/Twitter/SoundCloud/all major platforms /shows /tours/events/host give aways and food drives /clothes drives/ I give off good energy and love everywhere I go. My work has been shown Globally and hopefully with your support we keep winning 🌎🌎🌎 When people see my work, I hope they experience The struggle, The pain, The fun and The different points of views/perspectives of life ..and then find the motivation to believe and succeed in their own.

Любимые телешоу


Любимые книги


Любимая музыка

T.H.C The Harlem Child 🌎🌎🌎

Моя жизненная позиция

Главное в жизни

Карьера и деньги

Главное в людях

Ум и креативность

Отношение к курению


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