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Максим Воронов

Москва, Россия

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09 октября 2013 в 18:03

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апукеп http://mirpesen.ru/people/957804866, -мир тесен Я СТУДЕНТ, музыка, БРАТ2, АНТИКИЛЛЕР2, БРИГАДА, ПРИВЕДЕНИЕ, Brain Dead, Night Of The Living Dead, Hellraiser 1-8, Scarface, Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption, Bumfights 1-3, How High, Deadman, Ghost Dog - The Way of the Samurai, Ray, Forest Gamp, Land Of The Dead, Quella Villa Accanto Al Cimitero, Bad Taste, Brain Dead aka Dead Alive, Meet The Feebles, Storm of the Century, Childrens Of The Corn, Misery, Night Flyer, It, The Shining, Salem's Lot, Thinner, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Cannibal Holocaust, Tales From Crypt, Return Of The Living Dead 1-3, Dahmer, Demoni, Day Of The Dead Интересы: DJИНГ, музыка, арранжировки, продюссирование, мс, артист, рэпзвезда, БРАТ2, АНТИКИЛЛЕР2, БРИГАДА, ПРИВЕДЕНИЕ, Brain Dead, Night Of The Living Dead, Hellraiser 1-8, Scarface, Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption, Bumfights 1-3, How High, Deadman, Ghost Dog - The Way of the Samurai, Ray, Forest Gamp, Land Of The Dead, Quella Villa Accanto Al Cimitero, Bad Taste, Brain Dead aka Dead Alive, Meet The Feebles, Storm of the Century, Childrens Of The Corn, Misery, Night Flyer, It, The Shining, Salem's Lot, Thinner, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Cannibal Holocaust, Tales From Crypt, Return Of The Living Dead 1-3, Dahmer, Demoni, Day Of The Dead Любимая музыка:, I saw you with the girl walking down the street, I saw the way you tried to put your eyes on me, I don't know what to do 'cause I knew I believe, I don't know how to age because she's looking at me, , I feel so confused now, I feel so alone, Don't know where to go, I'm stuck in the try lie, I am lost in the space now, My peace falling down, Now look at my face, I can make it without, , You just got a liven to your pain, Don't let nobody in such yourself, You got to be strong and keep the straight, It's never too much never too late, You just got a liven to your pain, Don't let nobody in such yourself, You got to be strong and keep the straight, It's never too much never too late, , Saw you with the girl walking down the street, I saw the way you tried to put your eyes on me, I don't know what to do 'cause I knew I believe, I don't know how to age because she's looking at me, , I think you don't need me, I'm sure you don't war it, 'Cause that's another way, There are want the between them, You let me behind, You thought I've wait for, For you all the time, Tell me what's on your mind, , You just got a liven to your pain, Don't let nobody in such yourself, You got to be strong and keep the straight, It's never too much never too late, You just got a liven to your pain, Don't let nobody in such yourself, You got to be strong and keep the straight, It's never too much never too late, , Saw you with the girl walking down the street, I saw the way you tried to put your eyes on me, I don't know what to do 'cause I knew I believe, I don't know how to age because she's looking at me, , I saw you with the girl walking down the street, I saw the way you tried to put your eyes on me, I don't know what to do 'cause I knew I believe, I don't know how to age because shes's looking at me, , You just got a liven to your pain, You got to be strong and keep the straight, You just got a liven to you Любимые фильмы: HITMAN, Реквием по мечте, на игле, укуренные 1-4, где моя тачка чувак?, БРАТ2, АНТИКИЛЛЕР2, БРИГАДА, ПРИВЕДЕНИЕ, Brain Dead, Night Of The Living Dead, Hellraiser 1-8, Scarface, Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption, Bumfights 1-3, How High, Deadman, Ghost Dog - The Way of the Samurai, Ray, Forest Gamp, Land Of The Dead, Quella Villa Accanto Al Cimitero, Bad Taste, Brain Dead aka Dead Alive, Meet The Feebles, Storm of the Century, Childrens Of The Corn, Misery, Night Flyer, It, The Shining, Salem's Lot, Thinner, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Cannibal Holocaust, Tales From Crypt, Return Of The Living Dead 1-3, Dahmer, Demoni, Day Of The Dead 1-2 etc, гол 2, goal 2 Любимые телешоу: COMEDY CLUB

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укеуке http://mirpesen.ru/people/957804866, -мир тесен Я СТУДЕНТ, музыка, БРАТ2, АНТИКИЛЛЕР2, БРИГАДА, ПРИВЕДЕНИЕ, Brain Dead, Night Of The Living Dead, Hellraiser 1-8, Scarface, Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption, Bumfights 1-3, How High, Deadman, Ghost Dog - The Way of the Samurai, Ray, Forest Gamp, Land Of The Dead, Quella Villa Accanto Al Cimitero, Bad Taste, Brain Dead aka Dead Alive, Meet The Feebles, Storm of the Century, Childrens Of The Corn, Misery, Night Flyer, It, The Shining, Salem's Lot, Thinner, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Cannibal Holocaust, Tales From Crypt, Return Of The Living Dead 1-3, Dahmer, Demoni, Day Of The Dead Интересы: DJИНГ, музыка, арранжировки, продюссирование, мс, артист, рэпзвезда, БРАТ2, АНТИКИЛЛЕР2, БРИГАДА, ПРИВЕДЕНИЕ, Brain Dead, Night Of The Living Dead, Hellraiser 1-8, Scarface, Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption, Bumfights 1-3, How High, Deadman, Ghost Dog - The Way of the Samurai, Ray, Forest Gamp, Land Of The Dead, Quella Villa Accanto Al Cimitero, Bad Taste, Brain Dead aka Dead Alive, Meet The Feebles, Storm of the Century, Childrens Of The Corn, Misery, Night Flyer, It, The Shining, Salem's Lot, Thinner, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Cannibal Holocaust, Tales From Crypt, Return Of The Living Dead 1-3, Dahmer, Demoni, Day Of The Dead Любимая музыка: , I saw you with the girl walking down the street, I saw the way you tried to put your eyes on me, I don't know what to do 'cause I knew I believe, I don't know how to age because she's looking at me, , I feel so confused now, I feel so alone, Don't know where to go, I'm stuck in the try lie, I am lost in the space now, My peace falling down, Now look at my face, I can make it without, , You just got a liven to your pain, Don't let nobody in such yourself, You got to be strong and keep the straight, It's never too much never too late, You just got a liven to your pain, Don't let nobody in such yourself, You got to be strong and keep the straight, It's never too much never too late, , Saw you with the girl walking down the street, I saw the way you tried to put your eyes on me, I don't know what to do 'cause I knew I believe, I don't know how to age because she's looking at me, , I think you don't need me, I'm sure you don't war it, 'Cause that's another way, There are want the between them, You let me behind, You thought I've wait for, For you all the time, Tell me what's on your mind, , You just got a liven to your pain, Don't let nobody in such yourself, You got to be strong and keep the straight, It's never too much never too late, You just got a liven to your pain, Don't let nobody in such yourself, You got to be strong and keep the straight, It's never too much never too late, , Saw you with the girl walking down the street, I saw the way you tried to put your eyes on me, I don't know what to do 'cause I knew I believe, I don't know how to age because she's looking at me, , I saw you with the girl walking down the street, I saw the way you tried to put your eyes on me, I don't know what to do 'cause I knew I believe, I don't know how to age because shes's looking at me, , You just got a liven to your pain, You got to be strong and keep the straight, You just got a liven to you Любимые фильмы: HITMAN, Реквием по мечте, на игле, укуренные 1-4, где моя тачка чувак?, БРАТ2, АНТИКИЛЛЕР2, БРИГАДА, ПРИВЕДЕНИЕ, Brain Dead, Night Of The Living Dead, Hellraiser 1-8, Scarface, Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption, Bumfights 1-3, How High, Deadman, Ghost Dog - The Way of the Samurai, Ray, Forest Gamp, Land Of The Dead, Quella Villa Accanto Al Cimitero, Bad Taste, Brain Dead aka Dead Alive, Meet The Feebles, Storm of the Century, Childrens Of The Corn, Misery, Night Flyer, It, The Shining, Salem's Lot, Thinner, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Cannibal Holocaust, Tales From Crypt

Мои интересы


Любимые телешоу

укеук http://mirpesen.ru/people/957804866, -мир тесен Я СТУДЕНТ, музыка, БРАТ2, АНТИКИЛЛЕР2, БРИГАДА, ПРИВЕДЕНИЕ, Brain Dead, Night Of The Living Dead, Hellraiser 1-8, Scarface, Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption, Bumfights 1-3, How High, Deadman, Ghost Dog - The Way of the Samurai, Ray, Forest Gamp, Land Of The Dead, Quella Villa Accanto Al Cimitero, Bad Taste, Brain Dead aka Dead Alive, Meet The Feebles, Storm of the Century, Childrens Of The Corn, Misery, Night Flyer, It, The Shining, Salem's Lot, Thinner, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Cannibal Holocaust, Tales From Crypt, Return Of The Living Dead 1-3, Dahmer, Demoni, Day Of The Dead Интересы: DJИНГ, музыка, арранжировки, продюссирование, мс, артист, рэпзвезда, БРАТ2, АНТИКИЛЛЕР2, БРИГАДА, ПРИВЕДЕНИЕ, Brain Dead, Night Of The Living Dead, Hellraiser 1-8, Scarface, Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption, Bumfights 1-3, How High, Deadman, Ghost Dog - The Way of the Samurai, Ray, Forest Gamp, Land Of The Dead, Quella Villa Accanto Al Cimitero, Bad Taste, Brain Dead aka Dead Alive, Meet The Feebles, Storm of the Century, Childrens Of The Corn, Misery, Night Flyer, It, The Shining, Salem's Lot, Thinner, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Cannibal Holocaust, Tales From Crypt, Return Of The Living Dead 1-3, Dahmer, Demoni, Day Of The Dead Любимая музыка:, I saw you with the girl walking down the street, I saw the way you tried to put your eyes on me, I don't know what to do 'cause I knew I believe, I don't know how to age because she's looking at me, , I feel so confused now, I feel so alone, Don't know where to go, I'm stuck in the try lie, I am lost in the space now, My peace falling down, Now look at my face, I can make it without, , You just got a liven to your pain, Don't let nobody in such yourself, You got to be strong and keep the straight, It's never too much never too late, You just got a liven to your pain, Don't let nobody in such yourself, You got to be strong and keep the straight, It's never too much never too late, , Saw you with the girl walking down the street, I saw the way you tried to put your eyes on me, I don't know what to do 'cause I knew I believe, I don't know how to age because she's looking at me, , I think you don't need me, I'm sure you don't war it, 'Cause that's another way, There are want the between them, You let me behind, You thought I've wait for, For you all the time, Tell me what's on your mind, , You just got a liven to your pain, Don't let nobody in such yourself, You got to be strong and keep the straight, It's never too much never too late, You just got a liven to your pain, Don't let nobody in such yourself, You got to be strong and keep the straight, It's never too much never too late, , Saw you with the girl walking down the street, I saw the way you tried to put your eyes on me, I don't know what to do 'cause I knew I believe, I don't know how to age because she's looking at me, , I saw you with the girl walking down the street, I saw the way you tried to put your eyes on me, I don't know what to do 'cause I knew I believe, I don't know how to age because shes's looking at me, , You just got a liven to your pain, You got to be strong and keep the straight, You just got a liven to you Любимые фильмы: HITMAN, Реквием по мечте, на игле, укуренные 1-4, где моя тачка чувак?, БРАТ2, АНТИКИЛЛЕР2, БРИГАДА, ПРИВЕДЕНИЕ, Brain Dead, Night Of The Living Dead, Hellraiser 1-8, Scarface, Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption, Bumfights 1-3, How High, Deadman, Ghost Dog - The Way of the Samurai, Ray, Forest Gamp, Land Of The Dead, Quella Villa Accanto Al Cimitero, Bad Taste, Brain Dead aka Dead Alive, Meet The Feebles, Storm of the Century, Childrens Of The Corn, Misery, Night Flyer, It, The Shining, Salem's Lot, Thinner, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Cannibal Holocaust, Tales From Crypt, Return Of The Living Dead 1-3, Dahmer, Demoni, Day Of The Dead 1-2 etc, гол 2, goal 2 Любимые телешоу: COMEDY CLUB, N

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