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Личная фотография Тома Химпэ

Том Химпэ

37 лет, Kortrijk, Бельгия

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Дата рождения

18 мая 1987

Полных лет

37 лет

Основная информация

Был онлайн

15 марта 2020 в 08:08

Устройство с которого заходил


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BIO GREYONE Greyone a Belgian drumnbass producer, started producing in 2004 at the age of 17 . Signed to labels like : Mindsaw rec., Bug Klinik rec., Hardline rec., Manticore rec. … and made a couple of releases on them. His tracks can be described as hard dark drum’n’bass with much energy & influences from jungle and core. Greyone played in countries like: Austria, Belgium, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Switzerland, the UK AND RUSSIA ! novorossijsk, krasnodar, penza, moskva, irkutsk, krasnoyarsk ! After his wonderfull tour in Russia he made a pauze in his musical career and started a nice job where he can utilise the things he studied for : Design Engineer. When time is ripe, he will continue with his musical career, we don't know what the future holds, enjoy life :) peace and love

Мои личные настройки

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Царь Царь
Кузьменко Павел
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Александрович Кирилл
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Буду Через
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Олегович Артём
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Серебренников Александр
Nikolaevich Vladimir
Dubstep Kexx
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Юхневич Майя
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Машана Един
Robot Grave-Board-Clan
Promo Hardcorps
Ruban Lina
Суицидов Никас
Space Deep
Парфюмер Николь
Лагутин Игорь
Макарено Василиса
Soulitna Souad
Лагутин Игорь
Новиков Вениамин
Fate No
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Рубенштейн Альберт
Zangiev Yury
Xxx-Dj Xxx
Xxx-Xxx Dj
Шевцова Оля
Романова Анастасия
Лагутин Игоречек
Is-The-Answer Music

Учебные заведения


Vrij Technisch Instituut, 2001 – 2004


Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen - Opleidingen in Kortrijk 2008

Семейное положение и семья

Семейное положение

не женат

Мои увлечения и интересы

Немного о себе

Greyone a Belgian drumnbass producer, started producing in 2004 at the age of 17 . Signed to labels like : Mindsaw rec. , Bug Klinik rec. , Hardline rec. , Manticore rec. … and made a couple of releases on them. His tracks can be described as hard dark drum’n’bass with much energy & influences from jungle and core. http://www.myspace.com/greyonednb http://greyonednb.promodj.ru/ ICQ 560277570 GREYONE - RUSSIA (final) free mp3 http://www.sendspace.com/file/bc9wly spread the music ! and make a video and upload on youtube ! thank you ;)

Мои интересы

[ truth, consciousnesss, life experience ]

Любимые телешоу

discovery, national geographic

Любимые книги


Любимая музыка

dnb, 60's, psychedelic rock, dubstep, grunge, hardcore, electro, techno, balkan, breakcore, jazz, hiphop, latin

Любимые цитаты

я хочу погулять по миру...с Вами ))...

Вы ещё круче нахуячились чем я, товарищ милиционер. Давайте забудем про вытрезвитель и пойдём выпьем по сто грамм. Я угощаю!

сука блядь

4E 3a XyйнЯ !

"Life may not be the party we hoped for... but while we are here we might as well dance!" Life is short; break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile.

When you worry and hurry through your day, it is like an unopened gift....Thrown away.... Life is not a race. Take it slower. Hear the music before the song is over.

ɹǝllıɯ ʎɹuǝɥ – ”˙sƃuıɥʇ ƃuıǝǝs ɟo ʎɐʍ ʍǝu ɐ ʇnq 'ǝɔɐld ɐ ɹǝʌǝu sı uoıʇɐuıʇsǝp s’ǝuo“

It does not matter what you believe about me. The main focus is what you believe—know—about yourself. actually, you cannot believe/know something about someone else, on a deep spiritual level, that you do not believe/know about yourself. Blind faith about spiritual identity will accomplish nothing positive on a quantum scale. But true knowingness through awareness, accompanied with experience, will accomplish infinite possibilities on many levels of existence. The reason I know this about myself is through the experiences I have had, and the awareness gained from these. The more awareness you acquire the more wisdom you will display through, and in, your daily life. Eventually you will be able to look within yourself and see the wisdom that you need for the questions you have formulated in your life. Soon you will follow this inner wisdom and you will become a more balanced and peaceful individual. Infinite individual expression of Beingness is the journey we are all on. The more we learn, the more we grow, and the more we become that expression. As I become aware of this inner truth about me I can then apply this knowledge—about me—towards you. Then I can see you as whom you really are and thereby give you your freedom. When you experience this freedom you will be free—free to be the expressive infinite creative individual that you are. One of the wonderful benefits to this process is: the more freedom I can give you, and all others with whom I become aware of, the more freedom I have and experience in my own existence. The reason being, in spiritual reality—which is infinite multi-dimensionality—what you give out is what you receive. If I then condemn you for some reason I have, I am then condemned by my own condemnation of you. It boomerangs right back at me. My judgment of you is my judgment of me. This is a spiritual principle throughout all dimensions. This is why it is so important to know and understand who we are in our spiritual identity. Because in the knowing of my true self I can then know you in your true selfness, and this then comes back around to me in positive energy as a greater awareness of who I am, then the compound interest to this principle is my freedom from this worlds limitations; and the belief in limitation is one of the great hindrances of this material existence. When we can only see others and our circumstances from the limited human perspective, with the blinders that have been placed upon our eyes in this stage of consciousness, we see through a glass darkly; but when we begin to see with the limitlessness of spiritual vision, we can then see the true spiritual condition and freedom of all things. Thereby we are able to bestow this freedom to all whom we meet, and upon all conditions we may find ourselves in. A vision unlimited from the concepts of dense consciousness is the heritage of all conscious beings.


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