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Сергей Павлов

Самара, Россия
Статус: Мой канал в Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/tpab1983 Discord: https://discord.gg/qQuqYZR

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Информация обо мне

Страна проживания


Город проживания










Дата рождения

16 февраля

Основная информация

Был онлайн

08 июня 2024 в 05:04

Устройство с которого заходил


Сейчас онлайн


Ид анкеты



В этом мире не изменимы 3 вещи: смерть, налоги и гравитация. Б. Франклин ******************************************** Search, and receive, ask, and it will be given to you. Are knocked, and will open to you. For everyone looking finds, both asking give, and knocking open. Also it will be given to you on your belief. (the gospel from Onions 2.9.11) ******************************************** " If the person does not smoke and drink necessarily there is a question – instead of whether the swine it? » - A.P.Chekhov." ******************************************* The decent girl never will call to the first... But SMS-ками з@ебёт. ******************************************* The intuition is an ability of a head to feel an ass ********************************************

Мои личные настройки

Можно ли оставить запись на стене


Можно ли комментировать записи на стене


Можно ли отправить личное сообщение


Параметры анкеты

Учебные заведения


СЮИ МВД РФ (СФ) 2006
Факультет юриспруденции

Мои увлечения и интересы

Немного о себе

СКРОМНЯГА НАХ....... 8-)

Мои интересы

On mood, happen very different ******************************************** WHY DRINK AND DRIVE... IF YOU CAN SMOKE AND FLY ! ********************************************

Любимые телешоу

********************************************* Прожектор Перис Хилтон, Разрушители Мифов, Разоблачение Будущего, Как это сделано, Вселенная со Стивеном Хоккингом, Сквозь червоточину с Морганом Фрименом, Почему? - Вопросы мироздания. *********************************************

Любимые книги

" I improbably appreciate those moments when I dare to understand another. Such formulation can seem to you strange. Really it should be afforded? I think yes. Our first reaction to the majority of statements (which we hear from other people) is an estimation or judgement, and at all understanding. When someone expresses any feeling, the attitude or view, we aspire to spend an estimation almost instantly: " correctly "or silly ", " abnormally ", unreasonably ", " incorrectly ", " does not make pleasant impression ". And extremely seldom we dare to understand in accuracy that means this statement of other person". **********Charls Rogers**********

Любимая музыка

Country, Trancemission by DJ Feel & other, Vocal trance, Trance, Chillout, Minimal, Drum 'n' bass, Alternative Rock, Cristian Rock, Psichedelic Trance, Pirat Station, Sharm el Sheikh, Dj Romeo, ррРРррадио "рРекорд", Lounge, Smooth Jazz, и многое многое другое

Любимые цитаты


"Shit happens when you party naked".
"Кончай корчить щербатую крутизну..."
"Путь сказочности приводит к дворцу реальности".
"I Love a life! I love that gives a life. You think, what you on edge of pleasure?! No, you in centimeter from an ass." 8) ******************************************
" I have not missed - have simply got in the purpose, instead of in yours ".
"I named it пох**змом, yet have not learned a word стрессоустойчивость."
" Even Guy July Caesar, who could do some affairs simultaneously-лох on a background of the driver маршрутки. " ******************************************
" You yesterday have come since corporate New Year, I have removed from you boots, have told to you hundred compliments, patiently listened, to whom to what distances gifts, this what silly woman Нелли Степановна, I three times have danced with you your favourite song from the Pulp Fiction, two times fuck you, on your whim have opened a champagne which as has put you to bed, ironed your hair... Today with corporate I have come: - Long analyses why so late and why lipstick on a shirt, then a cloth on еб@лу also has gone on х*й drunk cattle, I don't talk with you. "

Моя жизненная позиция

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