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Личная фотография Vera Chang

Vera Chang

Guangzhou, Китай

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18 августа 2015 в 06:20

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We are a lighting company in the south city of China, Zhongshan. we want to find one art teacher in Ukrain, a private art teacher for a boy of 8 years old, below are the requirement : Female and single Music or painting and other art major, At least university bachelor degree Can speak English fluently Below 30 years old, around 25 years better We will offer USD1000/month, and will provide one round trip air ticket every year. If you are interested in this, please send your resume to me at filamin@filamin.com, thanks !

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Wright Vicky


亚加达外语专修学院 (Alcanta Foreign Language Training College)

Мои увлечения и интересы

Немного о себе

We are a lighting company in the south city of China, Zhongshan. we want to find one art teacher in Ukrain, a private art teacher for a boy of 8 years old , below are the requirement : Female and single Music or painting and other art major, At least university bachelor degree Can speak English fluently Below 30 years old , around 25 years better We will offer USD1000/month , and will provide one round trip air ticket every year. If you are interested in this, please send your resume to me at filamin@filamin.com , thanks !

Мои интересы

We are a lighting company in the south city of China, Zhongshan. we want to find one art teacher in Ukrain, a private art teacher for a boy of 8 years old, below are the requirement : Female and single Music or painting and other art major, At least university bachelor degree Can speak English fluently Below 30 years old, around 25 years better We will offer USD1000/month, and will provide one round trip air ticket every year. If you are interested in this, please send your resume to me at filamin@filamin.com, thanks !

Любимые телешоу

We are a lighting company in the south city of China, Zhongshan. we want to find one art teacher in Ukrain, a private art teacher for a boy of 8 years old, below are the requirement : Female and single Music or painting and other art major, At least university bachelor degree Can speak English fluently Below 30 years old, around 25 years better We will offer USD1000/month, and will provide one round trip air ticket every year. If you are interested in this, please send your resume to me at filamin@filamin.com, thanks !

Любимые книги

We are a lighting company in the south city of China, Zhongshan. we want to find one art teacher in Ukrain, a private art teacher for a boy of 8 years old, below are the requirement : Female and single Music or painting and other art major, At least university bachelor degree Can speak English fluently Below 30 years old, around 25 years better We will offer USD1000/month, and will provide one round trip air ticket every year. If you are interested in this, please send your resume to me at filamin@filamin.com, thanks !

Любимая музыка

We are a lighting company in the south city of China, Zhongshan. we want to find one art teacher in Ukrain, a private art teacher for a boy of 8 years old, below are the requirement : Female and single Music or painting and other art major, At least university bachelor degree Can speak English fluently Below 30 years old, around 25 years better We will offer USD1000/month, and will provide one round trip air ticket every year. If you are interested in this, please send your resume to me at filamin@filamin.com, thanks !

Любимые цитаты

We are a lighting company in the south city of China, Zhongshan. we want to find one art teacher in Ukrain, a private art teacher for a boy of 8 years old ,

below are the requirement :
Female and single
Music or painting and other art major, At least university bachelor degree
Can speak English fluently
Below 30 years old , around 25 years better

We will offer USD1000/month , and will provide one round trip air ticket every year.

If you are interested in this, please send your resume to me at filamin@filamin.com , thanks !

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