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Твайлайт Спаркл

24 года, Кривой Рог, Украина

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Кривой Рог







Дата рождения

1 июня 2000

Полных лет

24 года

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Была онлайн

12 декабря 2021 в 17:03

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Earlier I was the most faithful schoolgirl of the princess Celestia. But after I became a princess. My life coolly changed. I stopped being the schoolgirl of the princess Celestia, but all the same it still directs me. I with friends got the own diary. Also we write down there the tests which faced them. Also will stand still. Now I obyknoyenny pony princess. And still I not than don't operate, and simply I live in Ponyville with the friends

Мои личные настройки

Можно ли оставить запись на стене


Можно ли комментировать записи на стене


Можно ли отправить личное сообщение


Параметры анкеты

















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Стар Молния
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Вишневская Светлана
Приходько Олюся
Котик Диана
Совельева Лира
Чхаидзе Диана
Волк Дмитрий
Армор Стас
Andreeva Anna
Морозова Арина
Курочкина Владлена
Глухов Денис
Жданова Алёна
Моденс Рарити
Криховская Светлана
Кошкина Лина
Human-Undertale Frisk
Киселева Настя
Спаркл Твайлайт
Левицкий Михаил
Спаркл Принцесса-Твайлайт
Сентри Роуз
Найтмер-Мун Принцесса-Луна
Великих Анна
Wonderbolt Spitfire
Назаренко Юля
Alikorn Princess-Luna
Кошечкина Арина
Музыка Анастасия
Литвиненко Катя
Сумеречная Искорка
Петрова Марина
Принцесса Миа-Мора-Каденса
Ярмоленко Таня
Кондрухов Максим
Сайфиддинова Ойдина
Царева Феріха
Даст Спитфайр
Травникова Настя
Дэш Рэйнбоу
Соколовская Лиза
Лис Ира
Дунаева Варя

Учебные заведения


Школа № 7


КНУ (бывш. КГПУ)

Семейное положение и семья

Семейное положение


Мои увлечения и интересы

Немного о себе

I am Alikorn of light-lilac color, with direct darkly blue mane and a tail which decorates pink and lilac strips. At me big Lavender color of an eye and slightly snub nose. My distinctive tag (Cutie Mark) – the six-pointed pink star blocking a white six-pointed asterisk. Also from surround five small white asterisks. At the very beginning of series when to us for the first time show me, I am presented to you by absolutely asocial personality. I avoid offers to go to a party, I then had no friends, I adore spending all the time in library and to study new books. But having met friends in Poniville on the instructions of the princess Celestia I open from absolutely other party. We see the devoted friend, ready to help and support. Everything is pleasant to me, I want to participate in Ponivill's various actions, I like idea of a pajama party which at me never was, I find language even with Zekora – a zebra from the forbidden wood. I very organized and always plan the actions, and once my abilities to planning even were useful to all Poniville. I as educated and read by a pony extremely I am skeptical about everything that it is impossible to explain by means of books or to understand logically. But then by means of Pinkie I changed the tactics. I quietly treated Zekora, she in any way couldn't will agree, with that that Pinkie Pie is capable to have a presentiment of various dangers if at that the nose itches or clap ears. And as a whole I am very stubborn and though the most part of time I behave, I am capable to give in to rushes of a panic or to show extreme degree of irritation. Practically always near me there is my faithful assistant Spike. This little Dragon happens is lazy, but he always performs my tasks and is very devoted to me. I have very good abilities to magic, so big that I can be considered as the strongest magician in Poniville. I own more than 25 methods of application of magic, including I can teleport, find as well as Reriti jewels, to do so ordinary ponies start going on clouds also as well as Pegasa, to help a dragon to hatch from egg and others. My abilities were noted by the princess Celestia who told that else never saw a unicorn with such high potential, and I became her personal schoolgirl. Well, now I any more schoolgirl, and princess

Мои интересы

Above all I like to spend time with friends. To go with them on picnics and to drive about on the different cities. Still I like read I can to read 20 books for days off. If I want. I am interested in magic. I adore trying new spells. But some can sometimes prevent. And then interest is lost. But only if disturb 3-4 times

Любимая музыка

I adore practically all music, only not too loud. Sometimes I even read the book and I listen to music

Любимые цитаты

"Not so long ago my tutor, the Princess Сelestia, sent me to Ponyville that I studied friendship which before me didn't interest at all. But now, this great day, I admit that there couldn't be here, if not our friendship. I reached it together with you. Each of you gave me the lesson of friendship, and I will be always grateful for it to you. Today, I the happiest a pony in Equestria. Thanks, friends. Thank you all!"
"The crown can be on your head, Sanset Shimmer, but you can't own it because you don't possess the strongest magic: Magic of Friendship!"

Мои аккаунты в соцсетях

Моя жизненная позиция

Полит. предпочтения


Главное в жизни

Наука и исследования

Главное в людях

Ум и креативность

Отношение к курению


Отношение к алкоголю




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