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Личная страница Emir Kara ВКонтакте

Личная фотография Emir Kara

Emir Kara

39 лет, İstanbul, Турция

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Информация обо мне

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Дата рождения

19 сентября 1984

Полных лет

39 лет

Основная информация

Был онлайн

24 января 2020 в 10:00

Устройство с которого заходил


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I like listening to music, walking and jogging I quite like playing chess I really like Swimming I love theatre&cinema I like watching football

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Список из 77 страниц друзей

Банникова Анна
Ermak Nastya
Comway Рекламноеагентство
Локтионова Анастасия
Мансурова Алия
Питер Яна
Moth Julia
Лоскутова Лена
Εршова Εлизавета
Круглова Настя
Васильев Андрей
Абилова Марина
Воробьева Полина
Мягкова Снежанна
Смирнова Ольга
Малина Алина
Zaslavskaya Lika
Горлова Мария
Дольче Анжелика
Леонова Викуля
Агапова Света
Дарьева Ира
Самойленко Наталия
Юдина Яна
Sk Miss
Полонская Аня
Шаповал Антон
Килимник Танюшка
Рябова Лариса
Елена Елена
Романова Надежда
Pospelova Tamara
Vang Julia
Design Aulova
Сафаров Стас
Хадашева Евангелина
Коралёва Виола
Исаева Альбина
Лашманова Виктория
Иванова Вера
Singh Simi
Степанова Маша
Белова Ксения
Attack Heart
Andreevna Anna
Барцева Ника
Mhmd Dena
Фисеева Милана
Смернова Таня
Аверина Милада
Соколова Александра
Великая Анастасия
Флорова Катенька
Золотых Анна
Симанова Александра
Смирнова Вика
Фролова Елена
Фетиш Фут
Милецкая Светочка
Милова Света
Халимдарова Элина
Сусоева Кристина
Сметанникова Елена
Амелина Ксюша
Медведева Наталья
Аржакова Наталия
Костенюк Юляша
Латаева Машуля
Prison Alice
Бурханов Альберт
Сердюк Марина
Никифоров Ярослав
Обельц Марк
Петрова Анюта
Сергиенко Анна
Шиповалов Валерий

Учебные заведения


İstanbul Üniversitesi
İktisat Fakültesi

Семейное положение и семья

Семейное положение

не женат

Мои увлечения и интересы

Немного о себе

I am creativity..I free spirit.I am the passion..Yearning ..Sensuality.. I am the sound of roaring laughter..The feeling of sand beneath bare feet. I am movement.I am boundless imagination..Art..Poetry.. I sense..I feel.. -I am everything I wanted to be!- I'll concuqer the world with my big smile!!

Мои интересы

I'm interested in history I read a lot I am movie freak

Любимые телешоу

How i met your mother / under the dome / dexter / game of thrones / white collar / homeland / fringe / lost / one three hill / dawson's creek / medium / the mentalist / battle star galactica / the da vinci's demons

Любимые книги

Rank Title SOURCE: NIELSEN BOOK SCAN 1 Da Vinci Code, The 2 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 3 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 4 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 5 Fifty Shades of Grey 6 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 7 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 8 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 9 Angels and Demons 10 Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince:Children's Edition 11 Fifty Shades Darker 12 Twilight 13 Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The:Millennium Trilogy 14 Fifty Shades Freed 15 Lost Symbol, The 16 New Moon 17 Deception Point 18 Eclipse 19 Lovely Bones, The 20 Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, The 21 Digital Fortress 22 Short History of Nearly Everything, A 23 Girl Who Played with Fire, The:Millennium Trilogy 24 Breaking Dawn 25 Very Hungry Caterpillar, The:The Very Hungry Caterpillar 26 Gruffalo, The 27 Jamie's 30-Minute Meals 28 Kite Runner, The 29 One Day 30 Thousand Splendid Suns, A 31 Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest, The:Millennium Trilogy 32 Time Traveler's Wife, The 33 Atonement 34 Bridget Jones's Diary:A Novel 35 World According to Clarkson, The 36 Captain Corelli's Mandolin 37 Sound of Laughter, The 38 Life of Pi 39 Billy Connolly 40 Child Called It, A 41 Gruffalo's Child, The 42 Angela's Ashes:A Memoir of a Childhood 43 Birdsong 44 Northern Lights:His Dark Materials S. 45 Labyrinth 46 Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince 47 Help, The 48 Man and Boy 49 Memoirs of a Geisha 50 No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency, The:No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency S. 51 Island, The 52 PS, I Love You 53 You are What You Eat:The Plan That Will Change Your Life 54 Shadow of the Wind, The 55 Tales of Beedle the Bard, The 56 Broker, The 57 Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution:The No-hunger, Luxurious Weight Loss P 58 Subtle Knife, The:His Dark Materials S. 59 Eats, Shoots and Leaves:The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation 60 Delia's How to Cook:(Bk.1) 61 Chocolat 62 Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, The 63 My Sister's Keeper 64 Amber Spyglass, The:His Dark Materials S. 65 To Kill a Mockingbird 66 Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus:A Practical Guide for Improvin 67 Dear Fatty 68 Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian, A 69 Hannibal 70 Lord of the Rings, The 71 Stupid White Men:...and Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Natio 72 Interpretation of Murder, The 73 Sharon Osbourne Extreme:My Autobiography 74 Alchemist, The:A Fable About Following Your Dream 75 At My Mother's Knee ...:and Other Low Joints 76 Notes from a Small Island 77 Return of the Naked Chef, The 78 Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason 79 Jamie's Italy 80 I Can Make You Thin 81 Down Under 82 Summons, The 83 Small Island 84 Nigella Express 85 Brick Lane 86 Memory Keeper's Daughter, The 87 Room on the Broom 88 About a Boy 89 My Booky Wook 90 God Delusion, The 91 "Beano" Annual, The 92 White Teeth 93 House at Riverton, The 94 Book Thief, The 95 Nights of Rain and Stars 96 Ghost, The 97 Happy Days with the Naked Chef 98 Hunger Games, The:Hunger Games Trilogy 99 Lost Boy, The:A Foster Child's Search for the Love of a Family 100 Jamie's Ministry of Food:Anyone Can Learn to Cook in 24 Hours

Любимая музыка

muse / placebo / 3 doors down / a perfect circle / audioslave / cake/ coldplay / chris daughtry / evanescence / fall out boy / Incubus / james morrison / jay-z / dmx / justin timberlake / kanye west / korn / metallica / lacuna coil / linkin park / living syndication / maroon 5 / nickelback / rhcp / skillet / system of a down / movie soundtrack ..........

Любимые цитаты

"Anyone who has never made a mistake , has never tried anything new."Albert Einstein

“we accept the love we think we deserve.”
― Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

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Главное в людях

Ум и креативность

Отношение к курению


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